A series of songfests dubbed Pista ng Musika will be held in Chiba, Ibaraki, Tokyo and other places in the Kanto area. Organized with the support of ABS-CBN Japan, which has just launched a full-blast operation in Japan with its video-on-demand service TFCko, this series of song competition will kick off April 21 at the Anhony’s Live House Disco Resto Bar in Tomisato City sa Chiba Pref., adjacent to Narita City and about an hour drive or train ride from Chiba City.
Prizes in cash and in kind await victorious participants. Finalists will have a chance to sing with real stars at a big ABS-CBN concert tentatively scheduled in the latter half of this year in Tokyo. Winners will be judged on criteria 65% of which are related to voice quality and performance and 35% on audience vote.

Details of the events are as follows:
Pista ng Musika sa Chiba
April 21, 2007 7:30 PM (Saturday)
Anthony’s Live House Disco Resto Bar
Flower Building 1st Floor
323 Nanaei, Tomisato City, Chiba-ken
Tel. 0476-93-2554
Ticket: YEN 1,500
Lynne 090-7261-0059
Benny 090-4547-5840
Nelson 080-3028-1960
Mommy Thess 080-3455-3737
Pista ng Musika sa Ibaraki
May 6, 2007 2:00 PM (Sunday)
Illusion Restaurant
Shibahara Building
1-8-2 Amakubo Tsukuba-shi Ibaraki Pref.
Ticket: YEN 1,000
Tel. 029-858-3016
Lynne 090-7261-0059
Benny 090-4547-5840
Pista ng Musika sa Tokyo
May 26, 2007 7:00 PM (Saturday)
Tondo Restaurant
Tokyo-to Sumida-ku Kotobashi 4-15-4
Oosawa Building 5th Floor
Ticket: YEN 1,500
Lynne 090-7261-0059
Benny 090-4547-5840