By Ferdinand G. Patinio
MANILA, Jan. 18 (PNA) — Some 6 million Filipinos braved the downpour during the Eucharistic celebration of Pope Francis at the Quirino Grandstand Sunday afternoon.
The Mass was concelebrated with Catholic Church officials namely: Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle and Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) Archbishop Socrates Villegas and retired Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales.
In his Homily, the Holy Father reminded the faithful to value their families, the nation and take care of the children.
“So he reminds us of the importance of protecting our families, and those larger families which are the Church, God’s family, and the world, our human family. Sadly, in our day, the family all too often needs to be protected against insidious attacks and programs contrary to all that we hold true and sacred, all that is most beautiful and noble in our culture,” said the Pope.
He added, “In the Gospel, Jesus welcomes children, he embraces them and blesses them (Mk 10:16). We too need to protect, guide and encourage our young people, helping them to build a society worthy of their great spirituality.
The Holy Father urged the people to make sure that young people are protected.
“Specifically, we need to see each child as a gift to be welcomed, cherished and protected. And we need to care for our young people, not allowing them to be robbed of hope and condemned to life on the streets,” he said.
Pope Francis said he will commend the Filipinos to Jesus.
“Now, at the end of my visit to the Philippines, I commend you to him, to Jesus who came among us as a child. May he enable all the beloved people of this country to work together, protecting one another, beginning with your families and communities, in building a world of justice, integrity and peace,” he said.
The pontiff added, “May the Santo Niño continue to bless the Philippines and to sustain the Christians of this great nation in their vocation to be witnesses and missionaries of the joy of the Gospel, in Asia and in the whole world. Please pray for me! God bless you all!”
Lastly, the Pope said he will also pray for the people and the country.
“May he enable all the beloved people of this country to work together, protecting one another, beginning with your families and communities, in building a world of justice, integrity and peace. May the Santo Niño continue to bless the Philippines and to sustain the Christians of this great nation in their vocation to be witnesses and missionaries of the joy of the Gospel, in Asia and in the whole world,” he added.
After the Mass, the Pope on board the popemobile went around the grandstand to greet and bless the people.
The convoy went straight to the Apostolic Nunciature on Quirino Avenue, Manila, where the pontiff stayed during his five-day visit in the country. (PNA)