When RH bill becomes a law
When the latest SWS survey indicated that seven of every 10 respondents do favor the reproductive health bill, chances are, CBCP is correct in thinking that indeed there ought to be money circulating around from a foreign lobby group, this despite SWS’ claim that the survey is of its own initiative and therefore not a commissioned one in particular. True or false, it is all beyond us. Polling circuits can sometimes do push-polling job at every turn, anyway.
One bishop is reported to have said that polling circuits are into this mode – they issue some kind of mind-conditioning surveys with the end in view of influencing how people accept or reject the RH bill. It remains of doubtful validity whether or not the findings are reflective – at least beyond being merely a statistical trend – of how the population looks at the proposed reproductive health bill. It will always be valid to ask whether the respondents have the capacity to understand how they reply to the questionnaires.
Suppose that in fact, HB 5043 was unanimously approved at the House of Representatives when Members voted today on Third and Final Reading. Consider further that when transmitted to the Senate, it was likewise approved through a counterpart Senate bill and that in a subsequent bicameral conference, this 14th Congress would in fact have approved the bill for PGMA’s final signature and approval. Ergo, we have a new law.
What would the days be after today when the law would have been firmly erected to govern the lives of families, married couples, parents, women, children, adults? What will schools, churches, hospitals do? What will be the evolving new moral order? What kind of sociological phenomenon will evolve among the population that will be affected with the new law? Will not an unfolding scheme and scene be invasive of our psyche? Whose economic holiday will it all be? Will drugstores be the first beneficiary? Will new clinics open to accommodate post-abortion cases? Will doctors have more patients that they ever thought there will be?
Truly, contraceptive pills will flood the market to the extent that perhaps, young girls can buy them at the nearest sari-sari store in much the same way that young boys can buy every kind of condom from every nearby outlet that perhaps, even cigarette vendors may have to sell condoms as they sell candies and cigarettes in the streets. Pharmaceuticals will produce millions of contraceptive pills per day as they would sell like hot potato. Industries into the sale of silicone or rubber as a raw material will experience a boom. Beauty parlors might even have to sell condoms, pills as well if not in fact have services for IUDS, whatever.
The intellectual culture in all educational settings, be them – in the campuses of elementary schools, high schools, colleges or universities – will dramatically adopt to certain changes brought about by what the law can permit or allow, more than what it cannot permit or disallow. There will be changing attitudes and beliefs that will indicate themselves in changed behavioral patterns from as early as children in their Grade III or Grade IV levels. They shall be exposed to a kind of compulsory sex education.
By making condoms or pills very much available from every outlet, students in high school will have little to worry about getting into teen-age or pre-marital sex since the law has opened the door wide open for so-called ‘freedom of choice’. This simply means that children have the right over their bodies and this literally enough, includes that right to have an abortion in case they somehow get pregnant and they know their parents would not approve of it. Young boys feel safe and therefore think they can engage in teen-age sex with anyone in the opposite sex comforted with the thought that in using condoms, they don’t have to get the girls impregnated.
What then will be the resulting moral norm in so far as their young lives are concerned? What about other young couples, women who also would like to have a piece of the action? With pills, even married women can comfortably make love with men other than their husbands, can’t they? Or so with men with some packs of condom in their pockets? Who would fear sex with anyone when the law would have opened wide so-called “freedom of choice”? The RH bill has successfully blurred the traditional notion on when pregnancy begins. It has successfully blurred the traditional notion on when human life begins. How can the law pretend to think that the fetus in the mother’s womb may not yet be a human being?
Even the field of medical science has been invaded by pseudo-theories of pregnancy or conception. Even the thin moral fabric of our existence has been torn with a kind of attitude that the law will want to popularize. Even the rubric of our traditional social orientation has been altered. USA did not transform itself into a better union, did it? Nor did Europe? Now, RP is the citadel of Christianity, supposed-to-be, but if this law be erected, what would it leave us to? A new “world war” has just been launched and our nation is under attack. From our parishes to the Papacy, are we still afforded with strong moral moorings so that we don’t have to go astray?
A whole compendium of literature has already been documented proving how this contemporary social orientation has destroyed the homes, families, marriages, youth, children, women, parents. Are we here to let this happen to our own national domain? The first five years after the law is erected, futuristic wise, will tell just how bad we have gone with the RH bill enacted into law. Then and there will the framers, lobbyists, apologists, beneficiaries, patrons of the bill will realize that in the next generation of children – their very own – have just become the victims. So for a few pounds of money, why risk a future? Without risk of being wrong, the embryo is a human being!